Hosting Support
All of our hosting accounts are supported via a ticket system or telephone support. We have technicians on call 24/7 to assist you with any issues you may have regarding our hosting servers.
Services Support
If you are one of our IT Services customers, support is provided by email/phone/Skype during business hours.
Cognecy Main: 214-206-8910
Skype Address: cognecy-ms
ProductCart ASP Shopping Cart hosting Customers
This is where we really shine as we provide an additional line of support for our customers that host their ProductCart eCommerce store with us. This is extremely beneficial in that for no additional cost, you have us on your side to act as a support liason between you and NetSource (developers of ProductCart).
In other words, if we cannot fix it, we will get NetSource involved on your behalf.
Important Support Links:
Domain Management (ENOM Registrar)
H-Sphere Control Panel User Guide
ProductCart User Manual (Wiki)
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